Club Constitution
The Club shall be called KINVARA UNITED F.C. (Hereinafter referred to as the Club).
The purpose of the club shall be:
To teach and develop skills in the playing of soccer among youth and senior players of the Club.
To arrange football training and matches for each of the playing members of the Club.
To encourage the concept of lifelong friendships through sport and how team sport helps a child’s development.
To encourage good sportsmanship and fair playing among all of the participants.
The Club shall have the status of an Affiliated Member Club of The Football Association of Ireland and the Galway & District League.
The home colours of the club shall be blue and black.
The Club is committed to encouraging the highest ethical standards. All individuals involved in the Club should conduct themselves with integrity, transparency, accountability and in a fair and equitable manner.
The Club will abide by The Football Association of Ireland’s Child Protection Policies and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy.
Should any member conduct themselves in such a way that in the opinion of the committee is degrading to the club, the committee may call for an explanation and if they think fit, remove such member from membership without any obligation to refuse their subscription.
Players should be aware that they are representing the club both on and off the pitch. The club should not tolerate any deviant behaviour, either physical or oral, towards the management team, match officials or opponents.
Players not reporting for training without a reasonable excuse will not be considered for matches.
Players who are not fully paid members will not be considered for matches.
Suitable tokens may be awarded to players who, in the opinion of team management and/or committee, have shown special merit.
No alterations to the club constitution shall be made except at the AGM.
“Real Property” means the property of the Club of an immoveable nature, comprising any playing pitches, grounds or buildings, whether of leasehold or freehold tenure, with all fixtures or fittings attached thereto and used therewith.
“Personal Property” means the property of the Club of a moveable nature, comprising all playing or sporting equipment of the Club, as well as all Stock in Trade and Money or other assets of the Club not already classified as fixtures or fittings on “Real Property” as heretofore defined.
The membership shall consist of the following categories
Honorary Member
Full Member
Youth Member
Non-player Member
Parental Members
All members shall be deemed to give consent for the purpose of the Data Protection Act, to the Club holding personal data for the purposes of the Club.
Honorary Members shall be open to all persons who in the opinion of the full members present and voting majority at the AGM, have rendered exceptional service to the club. Such members may be elected for life or for a defined period.
Full Membership shall be open to all persons eighteen years of age and over.
Youth Membership shall be open to all persons under eighteen years of age.
Non-Player Membership shall be open to all persons eighteen years of age and over who wish to avail of membership privileges without being a player on a team. Normally the rates are lower than full membership.
Parental membership shall be open to the parents (or guardians) of those who are Youth members of the Club. Parents will be deemed to be parental members of the Club when their children have been accepted for Youth membership. Parental membership of the Club will automatically terminate if their children cease to be Youth members of the Club. In the event of a vote at the AGM, parental members shall be restricted to one vote per family.
Members in each category shall pay Membership fees as fixed at each Annual General Meeting. Fees are due in full by the first competitive match or 1st of September whichever comes soonest.
Honorary members shall have all the privileges of the full member including a vote at the AGM and shall not be obliged to pay annual subscriptions.
All members shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution.
All members will be required to conduct themselves in accordance with the Club’s ethical framework.
Membership is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of race, occupation or gender.
The Secretary or appointed registrar shall keep a Membership Register. In the event of a member’s resignation or expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the Membership Register.
The Club Committee shall consist of the following Club Officers: Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar plus up to 15 other members, elected at an Annual General Meeting. The Officers of the Club shall be honorary. All Committee members must be members of the Club. In addition, an honorary President is eligible as a non-voting member of the committee. In addition, one Trustee may also be a voting member of the Executive Committee, appointed by the Trustees.
Committee Members shall hold office from the date of appointment until the next Annual General Meeting unless otherwise resolved at a Special General Meeting. One person may hold no more than two positions of Club Officer at any time.
The Club Committee shall be responsible for the management of all the affairs of the Club.
Decisions of the Club Committee shall be made by a simple majority of those attending the Club Committee meeting.
All meetings of the Club including the AGM shall be chaired by the Chairperson or in their absence the Secretary. If both Chairperson and secretary are absent then the committee may elect a member present to preside at the meeting.
A Chairperson of any meeting including the AGM shall in the event of a tie have a casting vote in addition to his vote as a member.
The quorum for the transaction of business of the Club Committee shall be three. In addition at least one of the Chairperson, Secretary of Treasurer must be in attendance.
Decisions of the Club Committee of meetings shall be entered into the Minute Book of the Club to be maintained by the Club Secretary.
The Club Committee shall hold not less than four meetings a year, and can be as frequent as once a fortnight during the football season or such times as occasions may arise.
An outgoing member of the Club Committee may be re-elected. Any vacancy on the Club Committee which arises between Annual General Meetings shall be filled by a member proposed by one and seconded by another of the remaining Club Committee members and approved by a simple majority of the remaining Club Committee members.
The Club Committee shall have the power to decide all questions and disputes arising in respect of any issue concerning the Club Rules.
Each member of the Club shall have the right to be heard by the Committee upon any complaint or representation sent by him in writing to the Honorary Secretary.
Committee members who fail to attend three consecutive meetings without a reasonable excuse will cease to be members of the committee.
Upon resignation of a member of the Executive committee, a replacement may be co-opted on to the Executive Committee to fill the role until the next AGM.
The Executive Committee shall have the sole right to appoint Sub-Committees as required. It shall define the duties of such sub-committees and retain control in all matters and activities, which it considers of importance to the general welfare of the Club including the disposal of the funds in the hands of such sub-committees.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to nominate the Chairperson of such sub-committees.
The Executive Committee may introduce or amend Club Policies relevant to the wellbeing of the Club.
The club shall have the power to buy, sell or lease lands, to borrow money and to mortgage or charge real property for the benefit of the club and this power shall be vested in the Trustees of the Club.
There shall be at least four (4) and not more than seven (7) Trustees of the Club.
The real property of the club shall be held in trust by the Trustees of the Club.
The personal property of the club shall be held in trust by the Executive Committee of the Club.
Each trustee shall hold office for life or until he/she resigns. On the death or resignation of a trustee the vacancy shall be filled at the next AGM or an EGM if required. Proposals for the filling of the vacancy shall reach the Honorary Secretary in writing 7 days in advance of the AGM or EGM. The name of the proposer and seconder shall accompany the nomination.
The Trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense by the club, provided they act in a prudent and sensible manner consistent with the interests and objects of the club in the performance of their duties as Trustees of the Club. The executive committee has the power to take out insurance or other protections to cover trustees against any such risk.
No personal liability shall attach to any Trustee except to the extent of Club property or Club Assets received by him/her.
The club shall not incur any single expenditure exceeding €10,000 index linked from the date of passing these rules without the consent in writing of the Trustees of the club.
Trustees may at any time attend executive meetings to clarify or question any situation or proposal relating to 1. Insurance, 2. Loans, 3. Maintenance and Development of Property, providing notice to attend such meetings has been given to the Hon. Secretary 7 days in advance.
The trustees may appoint one trustee to sit on the executive committee of the club as a voting member.
The Trustees shall act with majority agreement.
The Trustees may meet as and when necessary but in any event shall meet once per year with the club Treasurer to review the club assets and trust funds.
Honorary President
The Honorary President is an honorary, non-voting member of the Committee.
The Honorary President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a 12-month term.
The Honorary President will act as Club Patron and will preside at official functions.
The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting in the month of May/June to:
Approve the minutes of the previous year’s AGM.
Receive reports from the Chairperson and Secretary.
Receive a report from the Treasurer and approve the Annual Accounts.
Elect the Executive Committee.
Elect the Team Managers
Fix the subscription for the upcoming season.
Consider changes to the Constitution.
Deal with other relevant business.
Nominations for election of members as Club Officers shall be made in writing by the proposer and seconder, both of whom must be existing members of the Club, and in possession of the Club Secretary not less than 5 days before the AGM. Notice of any resolution to be proposed at the AGM shall be given in writing to the Club Secretary not less than 5 days before the Meeting.
A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called at any time by the majority of the Committee. 10% of the Club Members may also call such a meeting. The meeting must take place within 21 days of the Secretary receiving notice of the request. Business at an SGM may be any business that may be transacted at an AGM.
The Secretary shall provide prior public notice of the AGM not less than 21 days before the Meeting.
The quorum for a General Meeting shall be 10 members who are entitled to vote.
Where there is any dispute as to the voting procedure to be adopted the Chairperson of the Meeting shall be the sole Arbitrator.
The Chairperson or in their absence a member selected by the Club Committee, shall take the chair. Each member present shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his own. Parental members are restricted to one vote per family.
The Club Secretary, or in their absence a member of the Club Committee, shall enter Minutes of General Meetings into the Minute Book of the Club.
All registered and fully paid members of the club shall be eligible to vote be it by a show of hands or by a secret ballot at the discretion of such registered members in attendance.
The AGM is open to all members of the club.
New membership can be accepted on the night for the upcoming season (normally starting in August/September).
The financial year shall run from August to May inclusive each year.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of Annual Accounts of the Club.
All cheques drawn against the Club’s funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and one of two other nominated office-bearers.
Team managers are appointed at the AGM to be responsible for each of the Club’s football teams.
If managers are not appointed at the AGM, the Club Committee shall make the appointment at the earliest opportunity.
The appointed members shall be responsible for managing the affairs of the team.
The appointed members shall present to the Club Committee at its last meeting prior to an AGM a written report on the activities of the team.
The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All profits and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve or develop the Club’s facilities or to carry out the objects of the Association to which it is affiliated. No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to another non-profit making body on a winding-up or dissolution of the Club.
If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects similar to the objects of the Club, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the Club by Resolution passed at a General meeting or in the absence of such a resolution (or that the extent to which it cannot be given effect) to the Kinvara Community Council.